Printed in England by Lonsdale and Bartholomew Ltd. When monsters suddenly appear and cause destruction, the doctor and journalist must find a way to save the world. Wells and jointly produced by Amblin Entertainment and Cruise/Wagner Productions and released by Paramount. Lung Fei, Mao Shan, Hon Sit, Yeh Tien, Wang Yuĩ cm thin strip of frayed paper loss at the bottom center and a tiny spot of paper loss on the tips of the bottom corners (the paper loss on the bottom is due to slight water damage to the tip of the bottom edge…this has also caused a very faint water stain across both bottom corners and in places along the tip of the bottom edge), a couple of additional tiny spots of paper loss on the bottom edge, tiny amount of fraying with a tiny amount of paper loss on the tip of the top edge (left), pinhole near each corner and the center of each edge, three additional pinholes near the left edge, light surface creasing between the center and right fold intersections (just below the center horizontal fold line), very faint water stain on the back of the center of the left and right edges and also a little on the back of the tip of the top edge (all only noticeable on the front if the poster is held up to the light / backlit), the title has been written on the back in green Biro (again only noticeable on the front if backlit), otherwise very good, in my opinion would look excellent if framed to hide the limited paper loss at the bottom center. War of the God Monsters Original title: Bicheongoesu 1985 1 h 27 m IMDb RATING 4.3 /10 61 YOUR RATING Rate Sci-Fi A young reporter is writing a story about the theories of scientist who believes dinosaurs still exist. 603.9 million 1 War of the Worlds is a 2005 American science fiction action film 2 directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Josh Friedman and David Koepp, based on the 1898 novel by H. Size : 30 x 40 inches / 76 x 101 cm approx. The dark elf Malekith wages a war that has spread from one otherworldly realm to the next, setting them all ablaze, and now its time for that war to finally explode into the last realm standing: ours.
#The war of the gods movie movie#
Original Quad Poster - Film Poster - Movie Poster - Cinema Poster bu Addeddate 13:21:45 Externalmetadataupdate Identifier warofthegods1201907 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4.

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